Deepavali, also known as Festival of Light, is a festival that is widely celebrates by the Indian. Two days before Deepavali, I went to Jalan Lahat which is situated in old town, Ipoh; together with my friends. In my opinion, Jalan Lahat is like Little India in Ipoh. Every year before Deepavali, there are many stalls set up along the street of Jalan Lahat. And there will be a stage performance too. Colorful lighting and loud music are everywhere at Jalan Lahat.
My friend and I were having our dinner at one of the Indian shop which is situated near Jalan Lahat. Nasi Biryani, Murtabak and Cheese Naan are the 'must try' Indian foods. And we had these yummy Indian foods that night. We were so excited to get out to the street to tap into the Deepavali spirit. Unfortunately, half-way of our dinner, it started to rain! But the rain did not hinder all the activities on that night; street performance still went on and the people were enjoying it. Some still went on with their shopping and the stalls never stop doing their business. How about us? Well, we too were not hindered by the rain.
Sadly, I had to put my camera to rest on that night because of the rain. But it did not stop me from taking photograph that night. I took some photos with the camera that is embedded in my cell phone. After watching a few performance that night, we went around to get something. Well, I bought three boxes of 'Candy' -one of the famous Indian's tidbits. I love Candy very much! Candy is make of coconut and it is sweet.
On that night, I was reminded about the 'LIGHT' that God sent into this world on two thousand years ago. Many people on the street that night still very much does not know about the true 'LIGHT' that God sent to us. Who is this 'LIGHT' that I am talking about? Nobody than Jesus! Jesus indeed is the light of the world. He shines through the darkness in my life since the day I accepted Him as my personal Savior. Knowing Jesus is my Savior, my friend, my father and my God everyday, it is just like celebrating Festival of Light everyday because He is the light in my life; yesterday, today and the days to come!
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life -John 8:12"
AMEN! and God bless ya!
I was praying and asking God to give me a name for this blog and God gave me these words, 'God is love'. WOW, praise the Lord! Indeed it is so true that God is love; a loving Father and a loving Friend who never fails in loving His children! AMEN!
God bless ya! =)
Heart Shaped Cloud
I am so blessed that I saw this beautiful heart shaped cloud during one afternoon when I was outside. Immediately, I captured it with my cell phone camera.
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What do you think about the difficulties in your life? I call these difficulties as GIANT. I need face lots of giants in my working place. I am still very new in my job as a Radiographer; so I am still very much inexperience compare to all my senior colleagues. I always afraid and get terrified every time I receive a difficult case like uncooperative patient like pediatric patient -babies-, trauma patient with really bad condition and some other cases which I seldom encounter. These are the giants in my working place. I want to scream out loud every time I see these giants -AHHHHHHHHHHH- Oops... Just joking! =P
Talking about giant(s), it reminds me about this story in the Bible; David and the Goliath!David defeated the Goliath with one stone. That's so amazing! How can he did it? Simply because of his great faith in the Lord. He trust in the Lord! Secondly, he learned from his experience in fighting with lion or bear that came to attack his flock of sheep.
Sometimes, God allow difficulties to take place in our life so that we will learn to have faith and trust in Him. And secondly, we will grow stronger and gain the experience in handling the difficulties that we are facing. In my opinion, with these experiences that we gained, we can use it to help others!
So, I want I learned form this story -David and Goliath- is to have faith in the Lord during the difficulties that I am facing and learn to trust in Him! Every time before I start working, I will pray to the Lord to watch over me and help me to faith in Him whenever there are difficulties. Through this, I constantly reminded myself that do not worry whenever I face difficulties in my work because God is with me and when God is with me, I can stone down every giants in my working place! AMEN!
Facing any giants at the moment? What are you waiting for? Stone them down because God is with you in every battle that you are facing!
God bless =)
In my opinion, going extra miles mean taking risk in doing something extra; it can be for anybody or someone who you loved dearly. In addition, going extra miles is a sacrificial act and most of the people are doing it for few reasons like doing it for love, for responsibility and also because of one's professionalism, determination or passion in whatever they are doing.
Like in the movie 'Patch Adam'; his girlfriend -Patch Adam's girlfriend- was killed by a mentally illness man. She told Patch Adam that this man was a little bit not well but Patch Adam told her that they need to help those who are in need. So, one night, this man called up for help but Patch Adam was not around and ended up his girlfriend went over to see what she can do to help that man. But sadly, she was killed by him. She went extra miles, thought of helping that man but ended up being killed. She sacrificed herself for the purpose of helping people.
There are lots of unspoken heroes in the world who go extra miles for others. I am truly proud of them. Going extra miles is not a simple act; it requires lots of courage and sacrifice.
There is a sonographer in one of the hospital in Ipoh who had save a patient's life because she had taken the effort to go extra miles. One day, she was scanning this patient who diagnosed with pancreatic tumor. Pancreatic tumor has no sign and symptoms until it turn into stage four and it will be too late to cure by then. This patient didn't know that she had pancreatic tumor; she just came to the hospital to do some routine medical check-up. The sonographer patiently scanning the patient; she swapped around the patient's body with the probe and carefully searching for any abnormality. Because of her professionalism in her job and her determination, she found some growth somewhere in between the patient's pancreas and spleen. Then, the radiologist reported the ultrasound and requested for CT scan for further evaluation of that growth. And through the CT scan, the radiologist confirmed that there was a tumor on the patient's pancreas. The radiologist said that the patient was really lucky that the pancreatic tumor was diagnosed earlier. Yup, this patient indeed is really blessed because God had sent someone who are willing to take the trouble to go extra miles for her and save her life.
Jesus, He is the Son of God, King of kings and Lord of lords; also went extra miles for all of us. He carried the cross for us, He was mocked, He was rejected and He was crucified for us. God sent Jesus to die for us on the cross for one simple reason; because He loves us very much! What make God take the extra miles to send His one and only son to die for us on the cross? What make Jesus to take extra miles by being rejected, being mocked and die for us on the cross? All these are done because of His Awesome Love for us! This love is known as AGAPE! Hallelujah! I can never, never pay back what Jesus had done for me by loving me unconditionally and die for my sins on the cross. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13"
God bless! =)