God is LOVE

"How great is the LOVE the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called CHILDREN of GOD - 1 John 3:1"

Recently, my cell members are so active in playing futsal. They invited their friends to come and play together. I joined them once and I had so much fun. But I guess I am really not good in futsal. During the game, I was almost going to faint and my brother was so worried about me.

Well, I am really proud of my cell members! This is a good opportunity to reach out to their oikos. Do you know that playing sports also can reach out to people and share with them about Jesus. I had come across that there are missionaries using sports to reach out to people -especially to the youth- and share with them about Jesus! That is so cool! Praise the Lord! =)

Well done, guys! God bless ya =)


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